Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Messy Boys!

It is now February and the snow is still falling.  We have been doing a lot of indoor playing.  
The boys are very much little boys, full of fun and lots of trouble.  It is a good thing they are so sweet and cute, or they might just have to go live with the indians.  (that is where my mom was going to send me when I was misbehaving)
Today Alexander and Jaxon thought it would be a great idea to color the playroom walls with crayon.  They did a nice job!  They only left one wall without any coloring.  They also stayed with the color scheme of the room, red, blue and green.  The clean up process was fun for the first 5 minutes.  Jaxon tired of cleaning first.  Alexander cleaned until the job was done.  

If that was not enough fun for one day, they also thought it would be exciting to help Julius (our dog) pull apart a pillow.  "But Mom, Julius likes the fluffy cotton all over, it is fun for his sharp teeth." Alexander exclaimed with a smile and two fists full of cotton.  I was glad it was a cheap toy pillow that I was happy to get rid of.

We are still not finished.  The box of fig newtons would have been a great snack for the entire family to enjoy for the next week.  Instead the boys thought they would make giant fig newton sandwiches for themselves and our dogs.  So nice of them to share.  The entire bag was gone after purchasing them just 2 hours before.  Don't worry, I am a mom of two little boys so I knew to put the cookies high up in the pantry.  Sometimes I forget that I have a smart 3 year old who uses his athletic climbing little brother to orchestrate his masterful plans.   This was one of those times.    
So what is a mother to do when the boys go wild?!  I just grab them, hug and kiss them, then draw a funny face on them.  This helps me smile at them when they are doing their little boy deeds.  

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About Me

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We are the Fox family. Jason (aka. Dad) Alisa (aka. Mom), Alexander (aka. big brother), Jaxon (aka. Big/Little brother) and Dayne (aka. Baby brother) Oh, and we can't leave out Alana (aka. Big sister, little sister, helper, one of those) We have 1 dog named Julius and one little cat, Pandora. We are blessed to have an amazing extended family, a couple of adopted extended families and some really great friends.